Así de Simple

Written by Sofía Gonzalez Gil & Ignacio Bresso / Directed by Josefina Pieres

Season 1 : USA Premiere in May 2022 at Miami Dade College Koubek CenterSeason 2 : Cultural Arts Partnership (CAP) at Sandrell Rivers Theatre in August 2022. Season 3: Awarded with the Community Grant of Miami Dade County. Cultural Arts Partnership (CAP) at Sandrell Rivers Theatre in April 2023. Tour: June 2023 / August 2023 / January 2024 at Alan & Diane Lieberman Theatre.

Actors: Abelardo Chahwan / Martina Lavignasse / Ron Chavez / MicaPlum / Saul Mauricio / Julie Lafuente

Understudies: Paula Saenz Valiente / Daniel Castillo